Self- Evaluation
In your opinion, what are the most important skills for 21st Century learning?
technology usage, problem-solving, collaboration, self-motivation.
What are the most important technology skills to infuse into your learning environment? (Feel free to cite the NETS*S and/or the P21 Framework)
proper searching, the ability to distinguish good information from bad, collaboration, multiple types of presentations.
Tell some ways, via digital tools, you have learned to:
• Create/Innovate -Web 2.0 toos like, animoto, flickr, Voicethread
• Communicate/Collaborate - Notemesh, google docs, wiki
• Problem-Solve/Critically Think, etc… - google earth, blogger
Changes you can implement TODAY in your teaching (as a result of this class) (don’t necessarily have to be technology-related)
More project-oriented & group-oriented work, using blogs to discuss class topics.
Assess yourself and your learning journey this week. Did you…?
• Create more than you consumed?
No, I was introduced to many things, but need to spend more time with the application.
• Contribute to a collective/shared body of knowledge?
Yes, by posting & responding to blogs and contributing to class discussions.
• Participate in digital dialogue?
Yes, thru blogs.
• Use self-directed or discovery learning? (find some answers on your own)
Yes, by trying some of the Web 2.0 items we were introduced to.
Please try to give specific examples of all of the above.
Finally, did you “Think Different”?
Or, how has your thinking changed (if at all) as a result of taking this course?
Reading the information on Design helped me to focus on all the elements that go into a project or lesson. I will now try to see other aspects of design when creating lessons or projects for my students.
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