Sunday, June 8, 2008

Self- Evaluation

In your opinion, what are the most important skills for 21st Century learning?
technology usage, problem-solving, collaboration, self-motivation.

What are the most important technology skills to infuse into your learning environment? (Feel free to cite the NETS*S and/or the P21 Framework)
proper searching, the ability to distinguish good information from bad, collaboration, multiple types of presentations.

Tell some ways, via digital tools, you have learned to:
• Create/Innovate -Web 2.0 toos like, animoto, flickr, Voicethread
• Communicate/Collaborate - Notemesh, google docs, wiki
• Problem-Solve/Critically Think, etc… - google earth, blogger

Changes you can implement TODAY in your teaching (as a result of this class) (don’t necessarily have to be technology-related)
More project-oriented & group-oriented work, using blogs to discuss class topics.

Assess yourself and your learning journey this week. Did you…?
• Create more than you consumed?
No, I was introduced to many things, but need to spend more time with the application.
• Contribute to a collective/shared body of knowledge?
Yes, by posting & responding to blogs and contributing to class discussions.
• Participate in digital dialogue?
Yes, thru blogs.
• Use self-directed or discovery learning? (find some answers on your own)
Yes, by trying some of the Web 2.0 items we were introduced to.
Please try to give specific examples of all of the above.

Finally, did you “Think Different”?
Or, how has your thinking changed (if at all) as a result of taking this course?
Reading the information on Design helped me to focus on all the elements that go into a project or lesson. I will now try to see other aspects of design when creating lessons or projects for my students.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Design - Ch. 4

Design on the surface, to me, is just fluff. I use to equate design with the stereotypical "tree huggers" or overly arrogant with too much money. As I read and started to see design in terms of the things I am interested in, the concept suddenly becomes very interesting to me. When I see and old house I immediately start to remodel it in my mind. That's design. Everybody has interests, therefore everybody can design. We may need to redo the statement "I think, therefore I am" to "I design, therefore I am"!!!

Web 2.0 Promo-Notemesh

This is my promo for Notemesh


Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I would be lost in his classroom. I am an old school learner like he described. I want to sit in my desk near the back of the room and know exactly what is required of me for the class. I have gotten better but am easily frustrated when I have to figure things out on my own. What a tremendous sense of accomplishment his students would have at the end of the semester when the final project was finished.

Wednesday's Class

More info. WOW!! Voicethread was interesting and would be fun for certain things but I do not see a classroom application for me right now. Flat classroom would be awesome to try. I would like to ask that teacher if she has any extracurricular activities and how much time she spends outside of her classroom with this project. I was explaining this flat classroom to Liz Watson and Bergen Hesse and they thought it would be fun. From the outside looking in it is obvious that a lot of learning is going on and the students are very engaged in the project. From a teaching perspective, it seems like it would take a tremendous amount of time outside of the school day. I also need to spend some time on This seems a good website for teachers.

Teaching for Tomorrow - Ch. 1

This might be the single most important discussion or idea in education today. The NCLB legislation is pushing our education system in the exact opposite direction. As NCLB adds more and more standards that have to be assessed the harder it is to teach 21st Century Skills. I also liked the term "school skills". That is a perfect word. It is an accurate portrayal of what students need to do to be successful in school and not necessarily in the world.

Tuesday's Class

The discussion on 21st Century learning was very interesting. From the discussion, it seemed like we all agreed that change was needed but that finding a way to make it work would not be easy. The fact that we are all here trying to learn how to move in that direction says a lot about the type of teachers we have at O'Neill. Even terds like myself can learn and improve.

The Web 2.0 has an amazing amount of sites available. It is going to take some time to sort through it all and find what works for me.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

6 Word Story

Parents Correct.
Time Speeds.
Loving Family.

enGauge - 21st Century Learnin Skills

I have mixed feelings about the article. It is obvious that what it is saying is right. Our world is moving in direction of technology faster than ever before and will probably pick up speed. Education should not ride into the future on the coattails of technology but should be grabbing it by the lapels and pulling it into the future.

Most of the skills described in the article are not new to education. Things like inventive thinking, effective communication, visual literacy, multicultural literacy, and high productivity were already goals of education. Maybe I'm reading it wrong but it seemed like the article was hinting that schools were not working towards these skills at all and these skills have just come to light in the past ten years with the growth of technology.

The growth of technology, in my opinion, has created two things for schools to address. The first is to master, if possible, the technology that is out there and put it to use in the classroom so education is leading the way instead of catching up. The second is to add to outcome goals that which is necessary to produce students who are ready for the challenges of our world today.

The article talked about what the business world needs schools to do to send them workers who are prepared for the challenges of their world. The article needs to add another section about what the business world needs to do to to FUND the schools' efforts. Right now, a large percentage of the public is against increased spending for the schools. For schools to achieve what the article asked takes money and a lot of it. Technology is growing exponentially and along with it costs grow exponentially. Right now, money available to school districts is not keeping up with the rising costs of education. A concept that should certainly not be lost on the business community. It also takes money and time to train teachers to use the technology effectively in the classroom. Right now, if training takes place, it usually is paid for by the teacher.

Maybe the business world should invest in their future by investing in our children's future and help with the rising costs of education.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Is Education being pulled in two directions?

As I listen to Ken Kay, one thing stood out. As he described the 20th Century tools it sounded exactly like the online assessments that we have created. Can we accomplish both goals? Master the standards in each of our areas and infuse the technology needed to prepare our students for the 21st Century?

Please reply.

Google Overview

I would like to spend a lot of time sifting through all of the google applications to find out what they all do. I am also interested in the google docs & spreadsheet and the google web pages tools.
Monday AM - Just before lunch.
Set up a Google Account and a Twitter Account. Really want to explore all that the google account has to offer.

Day 1 AM

We are off and running (typing). I have created this blog and started a google account.